optional: 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup or coconut sugaror other sweetener depending on the sweetness of the chocolate
In an oven heated to 375 degrees F, roasted the hazelnuts for 8 minutes. Let cool slightly and then place the nuts on a dish towel and rub them between the towel to remove the skins. You likely won't be able to remove the skins completely but I aim for 50-60% removed.
In a high speed blender or food processor, blend the roasted hazelnuts. Depending on your processor, this can take up to about 8 minutes. See photos above. After about 2 minutes, it will turn into a thick paste and eventually it will turn into a creamy butter.
Melt your chocolate either in a double boiler or the microwave (which is what I usually do).
Add in the chocolate and salt and blend until combined.