1cupoat milkother milks can also be used as desired*
1-2shots of espressoabout 1/3-1/2 cup of extra strong coffee
1tablespoonhoneyplus more for a sweeter latte
sprinkle of cinnamon
In a saucepan add and stir the oat milk, vanilla, honey and cinnamon over medium-low heat until it is hot. You can also microwave all of this in a mug and microwave it as desired.
Froth milk mixture using a frother or place it in a sealed container and shake for 60 seconds to get some nice foam.
Add the espresso into your serving mug and top with the steamed and frothed milk plus the foam.
Sprinkle with some cinnamon on top and ENJOY!
Milk: I often use oat milk but also really like to use oat milk creamer hereHoney: can be substituted for maple syrup as desired