2tablespoonsunsalted buttermelted and cooled slightly
Gel food coloringI used red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple
In the bowl of a stand mixer, add in the 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of honey, and yeast. Stir gently and allow to sit for 10 minutes to activate the yeast. After 10 minutes, there should be foam at the top.
To the bowl with the yeast mixture, add in the flour, ½ cup of water, sea salt, honey, vinegar, and melted butter. Using the dough hook, turn the stand mixer to low until a dough forms, about a minute. Turn the speed up 1 notch (3 on the stand mixer), and knead the dough for 5 minutes.
Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and cut it into 6 even pieces (it doesn’t need to be exact).
Working with one section of dough at a time, add a few drops of food coloring to the dough (I highly suggest wearing gloves for this part) and fold the dough over so that the food coloring is in the middle. Add 3 more drops (roughly) and fold the dough over again. Knead the dough for 5 minutes until the food coloring is fully combined and the dough is getting smooth. HERE is a link for how to knead dough. You can also do this in the food process, wiping down any excess food coloring in between colors.
Repeat this step with the remaining 5 sections of dough. Lightly grease 6 different bowls and place the dough balls in the bowls. Cover and let rise for 1.5-2 hours or until doubled in size.
Take each dough ball and, on a floured surface, press it out into an oval that’s roughly the length of your dough pan (8x4). Stack the colors on top of each other and press down to kind of seal them together. Roll the dough tightly, starting at one long end, until fully rolled up (see video for reference). Place the dough in a greased 8x4 loaf pan, seem side down, cover and let rise for 1 hour.
30 minutes before ready to bake, pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees F. Bake for 45-55 minutes or until the bread is browned on the top and reaches a temperature of about 195 degrees in the center.
Remove from the oven and let cool before slicing open. Store in an air tight container for up to 5 days and ENJOY!
Water- the water should be around 98-100 degreesHoney- you can sub this for 1 tablespoon of white sugar as desired.