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1) I’ve discovered lately that Fridays have become my favorite day in the blogosphere (and in the real world for that matter). All the good link ups are on Fridays and I always look forward to my five things on Friday as a way to stream together all the random thoughts in my head. 
2) These lovely things came in the mail yesterday. Now I just have to figure out how the heck you’re supposed to use 9 different brushes (coming from a person who only uses about 3-4 brushes for everything). I never claimed to be a beauty blogging expert. I’m setting that record straight now.

3) Starting next week, life is going to get extra crazy again. I enjoy life best when it’s busy as hell. My night classes start up (my LAST semester) and it’s the busy busy season at work. Bring it on! ps, goodbye sleep. I’ll miss you.

4) I just marathoned the past 3 seasons of Revenge and I’m so hooked! The worst part about all this is that I can no longer hit the ‘play next’ button on my Roku. I wanna know what happens, NOW!


5) on Monday I’m posting something that I’ve been working on since I started blogging. So, kind of excited to share that. GET EXCITED! (it’s really not that big of a deal, really. But be excited anyways!!).

Participating in these linkups today: Five on Friday with The Good Life, That Friday Blog Hop with xoxoRebecca, Fab Favorites Link Up with Stylelixer, #backthatazzup with I Wore Yoga Pants to Work, AND the Little Friday Link Up with The Grits Blog

Cheers (Drink to That) by Rihanna on Grooveshark

About Brita Britnell

Brita is the author of Food with Feeling which is a vegetarian based food blog. She creates easy and delicious recipes that encourage people to try more meat-free recipes!

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  1. Sarah McCoy says:

    I’m obsessedddddd with Revenge!!!!!! So addicting!

  2. Abby says:

    I have the same brush set (the bronze handles) and I LOVE them! I’m with you, though, sometimes I just stick with the same four brushes for just about everything… that just seems easier when I’m rushing to get out the door!
    I was super into Revenge when it first came on, and made it about half way through season 2 before I fizzled out… you now have me wondering if I want to jump back on the train… hmmm… ;)
    Have a great weekend!!
    xo Always, Abby

  3. Eat Drink and Be Mary says:

    I also LOVE Fridays in blogland & reality. I participate in a lot of the same link ups as you, but I’ve never come across your cute little blog before. I love your blog design, very simple but classy. Have a great weekend :)

  4. The Grits Blog says:

    Brita. You hurt my feelings! My link-up is on Thursday not Friday! *sigh* *oh well* *JUST KIDDING – but seriously*

    Happy Friday Girly – have a fabulous weekend!

    1. The Grits Blog says:

      I forgot to mention – thank you for linking up :)

  5. Tori says:

    I love that you mentioned link-ups! I love them and you just shared some I didn’t know about! I can’t wait to check them out–such a good way to meet new people and find some cool blogs! glad you shared :)


  6. Darcy says:

    I love the real techniques brushes!! Although, I only use 4 brushes so I have no idea what half of them are supposed to do! haha